Personal Profile

I am second-year PHD working on Machine Learning.

Research interest includes Converging Speed-up of DNN, Combinatorial Problem Solving with Reinforcement Learning and General Machine Learning Application. Current works are about Topopligical Scheduling of Systm Memory, Material&Thickness Selection during Chip Architecture Design.


Regularization Method Development

Design new regularization method called ‘Dreg’ which can boost the speed(nearly 50%) and improve the accuracy of traditional deep learning especially in large batch;

Training various models(ResNet18, MobileNetV2 and VGG16) on different datasets(MNIST, CIFAR10 and CIFAR100) with new ‘Dreg’ Method’(Pytorch, CUDA, Vim, Linux).

Memory Scheduling

Schedule memory and computation resources for each task based on task priority with Reinforcement Learning Agent-Pointer Network(achieve nearly 80% Recall Accuracy on huge number of task request);

Design datasets to simulate real system request for training and evaluation(Pytorch, CUDA, Vim, Linux);

Apply new method on model layers sheduling of edgetpu.

Material-Thickness Selection for Chip Configuration

Select material and thickness for each layer of chip with Reinforcement Learning Agent-Pointer Network(Successfully Recognize special pattern by training only 16 data points);

Modify traditional pointer network to achieve twin decoding requests for material and thickness, build connection between them for better performance(Pytorch, CUDA, Vim, Linux);

Adjust reward function for better guidance.